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BSW Program Admissions & Applications

Students start in the Social Sciences Level I program and apply to the Social Work BSW Program at the end of their first year.

McMaster students will be required to submit their Level 2 Program selection by the end of April including the HBSW as a choice. If you are a McMaster student applying to the HBSW and also applying to other programs through OUAC, you do not need to include McMaster HBSW in your OUAC application.

Enrolment in this program is limited. Eligibility is dependent upon completion of any Level I program including six units of introductory Social Work or Sociology and and six additional units of introductory level courses from the Course List (or equivalent). Students who are interested in the Honours BSW are strongly encouraged to take both SOCWORK 1AA3 and SOCWORK 1BB3. Students are also encouraged to take INDIGST 1A03: Introduction to Indigenous Studies or INDIGST 1AA3 – Introduction to Contemporary Indigenous Studies, in level I as this course will be required for completion of the BSW. Admission requires, as a minimum, completion of any level I program with a grade point average of at least 6.0 and evidence of personal suitability which may be evaluated by one or a combination of written statements, tests or interviews.

Volunteer/work experience including references* (mandatory, not scored) – Applicants will be asked to submit details regarding previous volunteer, placement and/or work experience in social/human services.  As well, applicants will be asked to submit two references from a combination of their volunteer, social/human services work, and/or placement experience. Note – if a student has completed all hours within one organization, it is acceptable to submit two references from two different people at the same organization.

We require 100 hours of volunteer/work/placement experience. To provide flexibility, we will require 50 hours to be completed by April in the year of application and any remaining hours to be completed after admission to the program in the term before the student starts the first placement: SOCWORK 3DD6 A/B S. We will not grade this experience but rather ask for it to be documented and for references to be provided.

We welcome a wide variety of experience: work, placement, or volunteer experience in human services/social change. We welcome volunteer experience with one’s own faith-based or cultural community. More information on application experience can be found in our helpful guide.

For students who completed their secondary schooling in Ontario, the required hours required will be in addition to an applicant’s high school volunteer hours requirement, unless the high school volunteer hours were in human services/social change.

*Note on References for Indigenous Applicants: Indigenous applicants who opt-in to the alternative admission process for Indigenous Applicants are required to submit a letter from a community member. Therefore, these applicants are not required to submit additional references.  Please read below for more information on the Indigenous Application process and please reach out to Lorna O’Connell, Admissions Assistant, for more information:

Admission Notes

  1. Students who have successfully completed the two-year College of Applied Arts and Technology Social Services Diploma with a minimum cumulative average Grade Point Average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (75%) are considered to have completed the equivalent of SOCWORK 1AA3 and SOCWORK 1BB3. Students who completed this diploma with a cumulative average of 3.4 – 4.0 (85%-100%) will receive 24 units of unspecified transfer credit upon admission to the program and are not required to complete six additional units of introductory level courses from the Course List to be eligible for admission.
  2. An applicant must complete Level I by April of the year in which the application is made.
  3. Students who intend to apply for this program must follow the application instructions by the application deadline.
  4. All applications for admission to the School of Social Work are considered annually and must be made directly to the School by February 1 for the Fall/Winter term.
  5. Indigenous students (includes First Nations, Métis & Inuit) may select an alternate application process. Please see section below for full details.
  6. Applicants transferring from other universities (See Two-Tier Applications below) must also apply through the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) by January 15 and must normally complete a total of six units of Introductory Sociology or introductory Social Work and six additional units from the Course List.
  7. Applications that are submitted after the February 1 deadline will not be considered. Questions or concerns may be directed to the School of Social Work.
  8. Offers of acceptance cannot be deferred; students must complete a required social work course in the year of admission.
  9. For students seeking admission as of Fall 2025 or later: BSW students are required to complete 100 hours of volunteer/work/placement experience.  A minimum of 50 hours is required for admission and any outstanding hours are to be completed after admission and by the term preceding their first placement: SOCWORK 3DD6 A/B S.

Application Components

Admission scores are based 50% on results from the Personal Statement and 50% on a student’s GPA.

  1. Personal Statement– value 50% In accordance with the evaluation criteria of the Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work, our admission procedures include assessment of personal suitability as well as academic capability. This is designed in an effort to draw on applicants’ personal and professional experiences.
  2. Academic Record – value 50% Every candidate’s GPA is calculated on the most recent full year of university-level work, whether taken at McMaster or elsewhere. If the applicant is currently registered in at least 24 units then those are used; if they are registered in fewer than 24 units, we will go to the previous session and select sufficient units to calculate the GPA. If an applicant has received advanced credit based on community college work, we will use any university courses they have taken plus sufficient units from the community college advanced standing credit work.
  3. Volunteer/work experience including references* (mandatory, not scored – see above).

*Note on References for Indigenous Applicants: Indigenous applicants who opt-in to the alternative admission process for Indigenous Applicants are required to submit a letter from a community member. Therefore, these applicants are not required to submit additional references.  Please read below for more information on the Indigenous Application process and please reach out to Lorna O’Connell, Admissions Assistant, for more information:

Mandatory Application Procedures

McMaster Students – Honours BSW Program

  1. School of Social Work on-line Supplementary Application is now closed for September 2024 admission and will reopen in October for September 2025 admissions. The application is available on the McMaster Student Portal and will be due no later than February 1, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. To access the McMaster Student Portal you will require your Mac ID and password. Please note: If you are an internal applicant and receiving a “Not authorized” error screen, please contact Lorna O’Connell at and provide your student number, and McMaster email address. We will get back to you within the next business day and your account will be given access to the supplemental application and personal statement.
  2. The Personal Statement: Once you have completed the Supplementary Application you will have access to complete the Personal Statement within the McMaster Student Portal. The Personal Statement will close on February 1st, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. You have access to complete and edit until February 1st, 2024.
  3. Transcripts: The School of Social Work will obtain a copy of your official transcripts directly from the Office of the Registrar at McMaster. You need not initiate this process.
  4. McMaster students will be required to submit their Level 2 Program selection by the end of April including the HBSW as a choice. If you are a McMaster student applying to the HBSW and also applying to other programs through OUAC, you do not need to include McMaster HBSW in your OUAC application.

Non-McMaster Students – Honours BSW

  1. Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) Form: This form is closed for September 2024 applications and will reopen in October for September 2025 admissions. OUAC Application Link. The OUAC form is mandatory for non-McMaster applicants. Please refer to OUAC Fees for up-to-date information. The deadline for applying is January 15, 2025. Once you have completed the OUAC application, you will have access to the following two mandatory application components within the checklist provided in your McMaster Student Portal.
  2. School of Social Work on-line Supplementary Application: Now closed for September 2024 admission and will reopen in October for September 2025 admissions.
    The Supplementary Application will be due no later than February 1, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.*To access the McMaster Student Portal you will require your Mac ID and password and this will be provided to you once you complete the OUAC Application.
  3. The Personal Statement: Once you have completed the Supplementary Application you will have access to complete the Personal Statement within the McMaster Student Portal. The Personal Statement will close on February 1st, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. You have access to complete and edit until February 1st, 2025.
  4. Transcripts: Applicants must arrange for McMaster to receive official transcripts from all secondary and post-secondary institutions attended. Currently registered students: submit transcripts as soon as final grades are available for each term (fall/winter). Applicants whose studies are complete: submit final transcript(s) by March 1st. Applicants should upload all transcripts to their McMaster Student Portal.
    Please note: McMaster students do not have to submit McMaster transcripts.

Application Materials

All application materials become the property of the School of Social Work, McMaster University and cannot be returned to the applicant regardless of the final decision regarding admission.

Documents submitted by applicants who are ACCEPTED will be kept on file until October 15th of the year in which the application is made, at which time all materials except the application form, scoring sheets and transcripts will be destroyed. Prior to this date, written materials may be reviewed for administrative accuracy by the applicant in the presence of a faculty member or the Academic Department Manager in the School of Social Work.

Documents submitted by applicants who are NOT ACCEPTED will be kept on file until July 15th of the year following the application, at which time they will be destroyed. Prior to this date written materials may be reviewed for administrative accuracy by the applicant in the presence of a faculty member or the Academic Department Manager in the School of Social Work.

Subsequent applications by individuals not accepted into the School of Social Work or by individuals who withdraw from the application process will require NEW applications and will require re-submission of ALL documents.

Application Withdrawal

Applicants who decide to discontinue their application at any point after submission are required to notify the School of Social Work in writing of their withdrawal. Those who have applied through the Ontario Universities Application Centre (OUAC) must also cancel their previous acceptance of the offer through their OUAC accounts if applicable.

Notification of Acceptance

Normally, notification of final decisions will be emailed on or about June 15th. You must respond via email or call the School of Social Work to confirm your acceptance by the deadline provided in the offer letter date or your position will be forfeited. For those applicants who have also applied through OUAC, an official letter of acceptance from the Admissions Office will be emailed to you and you must also accept your offer through your OUAC account by the deadline specified in your offer letter. Offers of acceptance cannot be deferred; students must complete a required Foundation course (SOCWORK 2A06, SOCWORK 2BB3, SOCWORK 2CC3, SOCWORK 3E03 or SOCWORK 3F03) in the year of admission.

Advanced Standing

Advanced standing applications are considered only after formal acceptance has been issued. You are required to submit supporting transcripts and course outlines for those courses on which you wish advanced standing to be based and identify those courses in the School of Social Work for which advanced standing is sought. If you are including work experience as a factor in your request for advanced standing, please submit a detailed job description and an evaluation (form to be supplied by the School) completed by your immediate supervisor. Note that requests for advanced standing cannot solely be based on work experience. You will be notified in writing about the decision of the Advanced Standing Committee.

Appeal Procedure

The recommendation concerning admission of an applicant by the School of Social Work Admission Committee is final and is subject only to review for administrative correctness.

Indigenous Students (Includes First Nations and Métis) Alternate Admissions Process and Criteria

The Circle of Indigenous Social Work Action has designed an admission process in pursuit of the School’s commitment to enhancing the accessibility of the undergraduate social work program to First Nations, Métis and Inuit applicants. Indigenous applicants may select the following Indigenous admission process or may opt for the process utilized by the general applicant population.

Admission via the Indigenous application process is based equally on the following criteria:

  • Ability as measured by academic grades
  • Personal Assessment, measured by the Personal Statement which may be written or presented orally. More details are available in the Supplementary Application.
  • Volunteer/work experience – mandatory, not scored.
  • A letter from a community member that addresses the applicant’s (1) readiness for the academic demands of the program, (2) alignment with values of social work and social justice, (3) involvement and identification with Indigenous community (historical, current, future).

Given the colonial legacy of forced disconnection and dislocation from community, we do not require applicants to have an historical or current connection with Indigenous community. We seek the letter writer’s comments on the applicant’s Indigenous identity as they understand it, and their current and future intentions with respect to engagement with Indigenous communities.

You will find full details of the process in the Policy for Admission of Indigenous Students.

Please reach out to Lorna O’Connell for more information.

Additional Information

Are you still wondering if you are eligible to apply to the B.S.W. post-degree program? Please contact Lorna O’Connell for more assistance in completing your application or other administrative concerns.

Information Box Group

Lorna O'Connell

Administrative Assistant

(905) 525-9140 ext.. 23795


Tammy Maikawa

Academic Department Manager
